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武汉大学 生命科学学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  高校校园  物种多样性  群落相似度
Analysis of plant diversity of Chinese university campuses
ZI Qinru, DU Wei, WANG Xiaofan
College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China
Urban biodiversity is closely related to the human life, and the campus plants are important part of it. We collected the complete plant lists of 39 Chinese university campus in different regions, and studied the diversity and similarity of campus plants among these regions. In addition, we also selected two common street tree distribution families, Lauraceae and Salicaceae, and analyze their distribution differences between different latitudes. Results show that plants in the south Chinese campus have a higher species diversity, but are more similar among different regions, the similarity coefficient is 0.675~0.721. While campus plants in the northern area have a lower abundance, but show greater differences between various regions, the similarity coefficient is 0.417~0.609. Compared with plants in east and west regions of the same latitude, the campus plant specificity in the central regions is lower. The richness of Lauraceae decreases successively from south to north, while the species richness of Salicaceae increases successively from south to north. These differences are caused by geographical and climatic factors. The information in this study can help campus horticulturist in China allocate plants rationally, and will provide references for the regional urban ecosystem management.
Key words:  university campus  species diversity  community similarity