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锦州医科大学 畜牧兽医学院, 辽宁 锦州 121001
关键词:  大骨鸡  转录组测序技术  单核苷酸多态性  插入缺失标记  基因本体富集
SNP/InDel analysis of pituitary and hypothalamus of Dagu chicken based on RNA-seq technology
ZHANG Jiehui, DAI Tianshu, ZOU Shuang, WANG Chunqiang, MA Wei
College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, Liaoning, China
The reproductive physiology and laying performance of laying hens are regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary. To understand the mechanism of egg laying regulation, we sequenced and analysed the hypothalamus and pituitary tissues in high- and low-yielding laying Chinese Dagu chickens (CDC) using RNA-seq, and got the SNP/InDel sites, then conducted data statistics and bioinformatics analysis using the chicken genome as a reference to analyze the genes of SNP. The result showed that the number of SNP/InDel homozygous variants was higher than that of heterozygous variants, and the number of SNP/InDel in pituitary tissues was higher than that in hypothalamus tissues; the SNP conversion type was less than transversion, but the number was inverse; the GO enrichment degree of SNP gene in pituitary tissues was negatively correlated with its production performance(P<0.05), but the GO enrichment degree of SNP gene in hypothalamus was positively correlated with the production performance(P<0.05). The results provide a theoretical basis for breeding Dagu chickens, and improve their production performance.
Key words:  Dagu chicken  RNA sequencing(RNA-seq)  single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)  insertion-deletion(InDel)  gene ontology enrichment