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1.贵州医科大学 基础医学院 微生物学教研室,贵州 贵阳 550025;2.贵州省微生物与人类健康关系研究人才基地暨贵州省普通高校病原生物学特色重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025;3.中山大学 生命科学学院,广东 广州510275;4.贵州医科大学 基础医学院 生物化学与分子生物学教研室, 贵州 贵阳 550025
关键词:  巴丹吉林沙漠  扩增子  分离培养  功能预测  生物多样性  功能酶
Biodiversity and characteristics of enzyme producing bacteria from Badain Jaran Desert in Gansu Province
KAN Yu1,2, LI Shuai3, HU Chaojian3, LI Wenjun3, HUANG Jin2,4, ZHAO Liang1,2, DONG Yuhua2, KANG Yinqian1,2
1.Department of Microbiology, School of Basic Medicine, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China;2.Research Talent Base for the Relationship between Microbiology and Human Health in Guizhou Province and Key Laboratory of Pathogen Biology in Universities in Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China;3.School of Life Science, Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong, China;4.Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Basic Medicine, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
In order to explore the diversity and enzyme of bacteria systematically from Badain Jaran Desert in Gansu Province, 6 representative soil samples were collected. The community structure and functional prediction of the bacteria in these samples were evaluated by high-throughput sequencing technology. At the same time, the bacteria were further isolated and cultivated by using 5 kinds of media, and the representative strains were screened for the ability of producing amylase, protease and esterase. Results from culture-independent method showed that the bacteria were annotated into 30 phyla, 70 classes, 155 orders, 227 families and 343 genera. The predicted functions were related mainly to carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles and organic degradation. In addition, there were 1.5% of unidentified microbes. Through the comparative analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities, a total of 368 strains were obtained. These strains were affiliated to 64 genera of 37 families in 20 orders within 4 phyla, of which 24 strains were potential new taxa. Of these strains, 18.3% produced amylase, 51.7% produced protease and 55.5% produced esterase. These results demonstrate that there are abundant bacteria and large number of functional strains in the Badan Jaran Desert in Gansu Province, which has important research significance and application value.
Key words:  Badan Jaran Desert  amplicon  isolation  function prediction  biodiversity  enzyme function