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中国医学科学院北京协和医学院 医药生物技术研究所,北京 100050
关键词:  寡养单胞菌  分类  条件致病菌  植物保护  生物修复
分类号:Q 93
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31670010);国家微生物资源平台建设(NIMR-2020-3);中国医学科学院医学与健康创新工程(CIFMS 2016-12M-2-002)
Research progress on the genus Stenotrophomonas
DENG Yang, JIANG Zhuming, ZHANG Yuqin
Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100050, China
The genus Stenotrophomonas includes a group of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria, which can be found from various environments. Among the 16 validly described species, some members are opportunistic pathogen bacteria isolated from clinical patients and others are environmentally beneficial bacteria isolated from plant rhizosphere, sewage sludge and other environments. Some strains have been world-widely concerned by researchers because of the promising application and research prospects in the fields of agriculture, industry and medicine, such as regulation of plant growth, assisting in bioremediation, synthesizing industrial enzymes and resisting multi-drug resistant pathogens. The establishment progress of Stenotrophomonas and the taxonomic characteristics of the genus are summaried, as well, the harmful aspects of Stenotrophomonas as a kind of pathogens to human beings and its application prospects in agriculture, industry and medicine are reviewed.
Key words:  Stenotrophomonas  taxonomy  opportunistic pathogen  plant protection  bioremediation