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1.江苏大学 药学院,江苏 镇江 212013;2.亳州学院 中药学院,安徽 亳州 236800
关键词:  中药材  质量评价  外观性状  药效成分  分子标记
Research progress in quality evaluation methods of Chinese medicinal materials
WEN Chongwei1, HUANG Jiaying1, ZHU Ruiling1, TANG Jian2, OUYANG Zhen1
1.College of Pharmacy, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China;2.Traditional Chinese Medicine College,Bozhou University, Bozhou 236800, Anhui, China
Resources of Chinese medicinal materials are the material basis of Chinese medicine. The quality of traditional Chinese medicinal materials (TCMM) has the great influence on its safe and effective clinical applications. Therefore, the scientific evaluation of TCMM becomes a prerequisite for the modernization, standardization and internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine industry. At present, appearance characters, medicinal components and molecular markers of TCMM are the main basis for the quality evaluation. In recent years, the application of techniques based on microscopic identification and bionic identification in the quality evaluation of TCMM has significantly improved the accuracy and objectivity. In addition,the application of the chemical fingerprints and metabolomics techniques has facilitated the analysis of complicated chemical constituents and accurate quality evaluation of TCMM. Moreover, advances of research techniques in genomics and proteomics have promoted the discovery of quality-related DNA and protein molecular markers and the establishment of corresponding molecular identification techniques for quality evaluation of TCMM. This paper aims to summarize these above research progress in order to provide reference for the construction of the quality standard system of TCMM and the development and utilization of Chinese medicinal materials.
Key words:  Chinese medicinal materials  quality evaluation  appearance character  medicinal component  molecular marker