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1.铜仁学院 贵州省梵净山地区生物多样性保护与利用重点实验室, 贵州 铜仁 564300;2.德江县林业局,贵州 铜仁 565300
贵州德江楠杆自然保护区药用植物资源种类丰富,首次调查植物种类达2 000余种,查阅药用植物文献资料记载,鉴定有药用植物1 079种,隶属于201科603属。其中,真菌类植物19科23属35种,苔藓类14科14属16种,石松和蕨类植物19科42属88种,裸子植物7科11属14种,双子叶植物121科426属792种,单子叶植物21科87属134种,草本多达587种,木本多达438种。对该地区药用植物的组成、丰富度与周边地区进行了比较,提出了保护利用及可持续发展的建议。
关键词:  自然保护区  药用植物  资源调查
Preliminary survey on medicinal plant diversity in Nangan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou
YANG Chuandong1, YANG Tianyou1, LU Zhihong1, WEN Yujin2
1.Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in the Fanjing Mountain Region, Tongren University, Tongren 564300, Guizhou, China;2.Dejiang Forestry Bureau, Tongren 565300, Guizhou, China
Medicinal plant resources in Dejiang Nangan National Nature Reserve are abundant, with more than 2 000 species of the first investigation, including 1 079 species of medicinal plants, belonging to 201 families, 603 genera. Among them, there are 19 families, 23 genera and 35 species in fungi, and 14 families, 14 genera and 16 species in bryophytes, 19 families, 42 genera and 88 species in lycophytes and ferns, 7 families, 11 genera and 14 species in gymnosperms, 121 families, 426 genera and 792 species in dicotyledons, and 21 families, 87 genera and 134 species in monocotyledons. This district has 587 herbal species and 438 woody species. We compared the composition and richness of medicinal plants in this area with the surrounding areas to provide suggestions for protection, utilization and sustainable development.
Key words:  nature reserve  medicinal plant  resource survey