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1.延边大学 农学院,吉林 延吉 133002;2.延边大学 长白山天然药物研究教育部重点实验室,吉林 延吉 133002;3.延边州农业科学院,吉林 龙井 133400
关键词:  长白山自然保护区  有毒植物  有毒成分  濒危植物
Study on wild poisonous plant resources and toxic components in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve
JIANG Ying1, QUAN Xueli1,2, PIAO Chengri3, JIN Yinghua1,2
1.Agricultural College of Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, Jilin, China;2.Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines of the Changbai Mountain, Ministry of Education, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, Jilin, China;3.Yanbian Agricultural Science Academy, Longjing 133400, Jilin, China
In order to protect and utilize the wild poisonous plant resources in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve more effectively, the species, habitat, degree of endangerment, toxic parts and toxic components were studied in this study. The results showed that there were 52 families, 132 genera, 193 species, 3 subspecies and 11 varieties of wild poisonous plants in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, total 207 taxa. The habitat was mostly hillside grassland, followed by mountain and forest margin. There were 40 species of endangered plants, 7 species in the Red List of Chinese Species, 9 species in the national and 26 in the provincial protection levels, 18 species in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve and 7 in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) assessment levels. Among the wild poisonous plants in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, 116 species of the whole plant are poisonous, accounting for 56.04% of the total. The toxic components are complex, mainly alkaloids, non-protein amino acids, terpenoids, glycosides and so on, most of which have not been developed and utilized.
Key words:  Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve  poisonous plant  toxic component  endangered plant