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广东省微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室/广东省微生物菌种保藏与应用重点实验室,广东 广州 510070
关键词:  森林土壤  可培养细菌  芽胞杆菌  优势类群  变形菌门
Diversity of culturable bacteria isolated from forest soils in the Nanling National Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province
LI Jiali, CHEN Wendi, FENG Guangda, ZHOU Yang, LIU Yang, CHEN Meng, ZHU Honghui
State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology of Southern China/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou 510070, Guangdong, China
Microbial resources are abundant in forest soils of the Nanling National Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province, but the culturable bacteria are still rarely known. In this study, bacterial strains were isolated and cultured from the forest soils of Nanling by using the R2A (oligotrophic type) and TSA (eutrophic type) media. A total of 408 strains were obtained which were affiliated to 4 phyla (Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes) and 35 genera, respectively. The dominant group of isolates was Firmicutes, accounting for 71 % of the total amounts. In the genus distribution, the isolates were dominated by Bacillus and its closely related genera. Besides the Bacillus group, PseudomonasBurkholderia Collimonas and Dyella in the phylum Proteobacteria were also the major groups in the obtained strains. The species of isolates between two different nutrient type media showed significant differences and Gram-negative strains preferred R2A medium while fast grown Gram-positive strains such as Bacillus and its closely related genera preferred TSA medium. The isolates from 15 genera showed activity in hydrolyzing different substrates. Most the genera showed positive reactions in hydrolyzing starch and skim milk. The isolates showed more hydrolytic activity on organic phosphorus than that on inorganic phosphorus. Most of cellulose hydrolysis isolates were affiliated to Bacillus and its closely related genera. A total of 26 strains which might belong to potential novel species were found in the isolates and they were assigned into 9 different genera such as BacillusDyellaPaenibacillus. In this study, only two media of different nutrient types were adopted for the bacterial isolation from Nanling forest soil and it is expected that the culturable microbial diversity in Nanling forest soil can be presented more comprehensively by using new culturomics techniques.
Key words:  forest soil  culturable bacterium  Bacillus  dominant group  Proteobacteria