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广东省微生物研究所 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室/广东省微生物安全与健康重点实验室,广东 广州 510070
微生物广泛存在于自然界,其代谢活动对环境和人类健康有重要影响。定植于人体表面和内部的微生物无论从细胞还是基因数量上都远超人体,而90%以上的微生物是未培养的,这严重限制了对人体共生微生物功能的研究。因此,鉴定和分离未知或以前无法培养的微生物的必要性是显而易见的。随着各种技术的进步,可培养的微生物数量不断增加,但仍存在不足。本文论述了利用基因组测序探索微生物“暗物质”的效果,以及分离培养未培养微生物和对其进行开发利用的重要性;综述了当前有效的微生物鉴定和培养技术,如基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)、基因组信息抗体工程等;阐述了微生物与人体健康的相互作用,揭示了人体微生物“暗物质”的潜力,对人体微生物“暗物质”未来的研究和发展进行了讨论。
关键词:  未培养微生物  微生物“暗物质”  培养组学  宏基因组学
Human microbial “dark matter”: mining, culture, and application
SU Yue, CAI Shuzhen, XIE Xinqiang, LI Ying, ZHANG Jumei, WU Qingping
State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology Southern China/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Safety and Health, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou 510070, Guangdong, China
The existence of microorganisms on Earth is ubiquitous, and their metabolic activities have a significant impact on the environment and human health. The number of cells and genes of microbes colonized on the surface and interior of the human body is much higher than that of the body itself, and more than 90% of the microbes are uncultured, which seriously limits the study of symbiotic microorganisms in the human body. Therefore, the necessity of identifying and isolating the unknown or previously uncultured microbes is apparent. The number of culturable microbes is increasing with the improvement of various technologies, but there are still insufficient. This paper states the efficacy of utilizing metagenomics to discover the “dark matter” in the human microbiome, and the importance of isolating and culturing uncultured microorganisms and developing them; reviews current efficient microbial identification and cultivation techniques, such as MALDI-TOF MS and genome informed antibody engineering; finally,some examples of microbes-human interactions are expounded to reveal the potential of human microbial “dark matter”, and the future research and development of human microbial “dark matter” are discussed.
Key words:  uncultured microorganism  microbial “dark matter”  culturomics  metagenomics