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1.中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 林木遗传育种国家重点实验室, 北京100091;2.北京市植物园 北京市花卉园艺工程技术研究中心/城乡生态环境北京实验室, 北京100093
异胡豆苷合成酶基因STR编码吲哚类生物碱合成的关键酶异胡豆苷合成酶,并参与植物抗逆和花粉发育等生物过程。本研究通过对铁皮石斛异胡豆苷合成酶基因DoSTR的结构及特异性表达进行分析,探究其在铁皮石斛生长发育中的潜在功能。从铁皮石斛基因组数据中获得铁皮石斛异胡豆苷合成酶编码序列(DoSTRs),利用ClustalW软件进行氨基酸序列的比对,利用Gene Structure Display Server 2.0在线软件分析基因内含子和外显子结构,利用PlantCARE数据库分析基因启动子区元件;基于转录组数据和qRT-PCR对铁皮石斛根茎叶组织、共生与非共生生长的种子和根、冷诱导和茉莉酸甲酯诱导后叶片中的STR家族基因的表达情况进行检测和分析,从铁皮石斛基因组中预测获得10个STR成员,具有典型的“Str_synth”结构域,且启动子区存在大量顺式作用元件,涉及到茉莉酸甲酯响应和低温响应等多个生物学过程;DoSTRs基因家族不同成员表达模式存在较大差异,DoSTR3、DoSTR7、DoSTR10在叶片中的表达量高于茎和根中,DoSTR9和 DoSTR2在铁皮石斛种子萌发时显著高表达,DoSTR5和DoSTR10在茉莉酸甲酯处理早期,具有明显的上调表达趋势,推测STR家族可能参与不同的生物学过程,研究结果为深入探究铁皮石斛STR家族基因奠定了基础。
关键词:  铁皮石斛  异胡豆苷合成酶  异胡豆苷合成酶基因家族  共生
Analysis on STR sequence structure and expression pattern of strictosidine synthetase gene in Dendrobium officinale
WANG Xiaojing1, LIANG Lixiong1, LI Lubin1, WANG Tao1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China;2.Beijing Botanical Garden, Beijing Floriculture Engineering Technology Research Centre, Beijing Laborary of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, Beijing 100093, China
In order to study the sequence characteristics and potential functions of Dendrobium officinale, local BLASTP was used to search the STR gene family members of D. officinale (DoSTRs) in the Dendrobium genome, and then the conserved Str_synth domain structural characteristics of DoSTRs was predicted. The sequence alignment and gene structure analysis of DoSTRs were conducted using ClustalW and Gene Structure Display Server 2.0. The PlantCARE database was used to predict cis-acting elements in the promoter region of DoSTRs.On the basis of transcriptome data, heat map was drawn to show the expression level of DoSTRs. Based on transcriptome data and qRT-PCR, the expression of STR family genes in rhizome and leaf tissues, symbiotic and non-cogenetically grown seeds and roots, cold-induced and methyl jasmonate-induced leaves of D.officinale was detected and analyzed. 10 STR members were predicted to have conserved Str_synth domains, and numersus cis-acting elements were present in the promoter region, involving multiple biological processes such as methyl jasmonate reponse and low temperature response. 6 DoSTRs showed significantly different expression levels in different tissues under different conditions. 10 members of DoSTRs may participate in different biological processes. The results provide a basis for further study of the STR gene family in D. officinale.
Key words:  Dendrobium officinale  strictosidine synthetase  STR family  symbiosis