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1.佛山科学技术学院,广东省动物分子设计与精准育种重点实验室/广东普通高校动物分子设计与精准育种重点实验室,广东 佛山 528225;2.中国农业科学院 北京畜牧兽医研究所,北京 100193
脂肪干细胞(adipose-derived stem cells,ADSCs) 是从脂肪组织中分离得到的一种具有多元分化潜能的干细胞,且脂肪组织在人体内的储量丰富,取材简单。因此,人源脂肪干细胞(human adipose-derived stem cells,hADSCs) 具有良好的应用前景,如干细胞治疗、再生以及药物研发等。然而,要将这些基础研究成果应用于临床,必须通过临床前的安全性、可行性和潜在的风险评估。而在实验动物中,猪与人类在解剖学、遗传学和生理学上非常相似,因此猪脂肪干细胞(porcine adipose-derived stem cells,pADSCs) 的相关研究对人脂肪干细胞走向临床应用具有重要的理论及实践意义。基于猪脂肪干细胞的重要作用,本文综述了猪脂肪干细胞的分离、培养、免疫表型、分化能力及应用前景。
关键词:  猪脂肪干细胞  免疫表型  分化能力  白色脂肪细胞  棕色脂肪细胞  临床前应用
Characteristics and application of porcine adipose-derived stem cells
PEI Yangli1, CHEN Chujie1, SONG Yuxin1, YANG Yalan1, YANG Ying1, LI Kui1,2
1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Molecular Design and Precise Breeding, Key Laboratory of Animal Molecular Design and Precise Breeding of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Foshan University, Foshan 528225, Guangdong, China;2.Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) isolated from adipose tissue are reliable adult stem cells owning broad differentiation abilities, and have the advantage of being an abundant and easily attainable cell source.Thus, human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) have good application prospects, such as stem cell therapy, regeneration, and drug development. However, in order to apply these basic research results to the clinic,it requires first to pass the pre-clinical safety, feasibility and potential risk assessment in animals. In laboratory animals, pigs and humans are very similar in anatomy, genetics, and physiology. Therefore, the related knowledge of porcine adipose-derived stem cells (pADSCs) has important theoretical and practical significance for clinical application of hADSCs. So, we briefly summarize the current findings about the isolation, culture, immunophenotype, differentiation ability and application prospects of pADSCs.
Key words:  porcine adipose-derived stem cell  immunophenotype  differentiation ability  white adipocyte  brown adipocyte  pre-clinical application