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1.江汉大学 生命科学学院,湖北 武汉 430056;2.江汉大学 湖北省汉江流域特色生物资源保护开发与利用工程技术研究中心,湖北 武汉 430056
为了解人工养殖的克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)亲虾的生长和形态性状,为人工放养亲本的选择提供参考依据,测定了342尾体重大于20 g的克氏原螯虾的体重(W)、全长(TL)、头胸甲长(CL)、头胸甲宽(CW)、螯足长(ChL)和螯足宽(ChW),比较了雌性和雄性生长和形态参数的差异性,模拟了各参数间的回归方程,并探讨了各参数间的相关性。结果显示,雌性个体体重、螯足长和螯足宽的均值显著低于雄性,而头胸甲长和头胸甲宽的均值则显著高于雄性,全长和丰满度在雌雄之间差异不显著。雌性和雄性个体的优势全长范围均为90~119.99 mm,优势体重范围分别为20.0~39.9 g和30.0~44.9 g。克氏原螯虾全长-体重的关系为W=0.000 01×TL3.381 3、W=0.000 01×TL3.230 9,雌性和雄性均为正异速生长;头胸甲长-体重的关系为W=0.000 1×CL3.215 5、W=0.000 2×CL3.179 8;头胸甲长-全长的关系为TL=2.928 6+2.027×CL、TL=-5.036 9+2.370 1×CL;头胸甲宽-头胸甲长的关系为CL=5.479 2+1.942 3×CW、CL=9.646 8+1.765 6×CW;螯足宽-螯足长的关系为ChL=-13.721+6.679×ChW、ChL=-4.828+6.148 7×CW。相关性分析表明,总体上6个参数之间均有显著的正相关关系,其中与体重相关性较高的为全长和头胸甲长与宽。
关键词:  克氏原螯虾  体重  形态性状  相关关系  亲本选择
Morphological traits of parent crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, under rearing conditions
YU Jixin1,2, ZHAI Dongdong1,2, LIU Hongyan1,2, XIONG Fei1,2
1.School of Life Sciences, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, Hubei, China;2.Hubei Engineering Research Center for Protection and Utilization of Special Biological Resources in the Hanjiang River Basin, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, Hubei, China
In order to reveal the growth and morphological traits of farmed parent red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and provide useful information for parent crayfish selection for culture stocking, the body weight (W), total length (TL), carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW), chela length (ChL) and chela width (ChW) of 342 crayfishes with body weight higher than 20 g were measured, the differences of growth and morphological traits between female and male crayfish were analyzed, the regressions and relationships among these parameters were analyzed. The results showed that the mean values of W, ChL and ChW of females were significantly lower than those of males, while the females had significantly higher mean values of CL and CW, and there was no significant difference of the TL or fullness between females and males. The range of dominant TL was 90.00-119.99 mm, and the ranges of W were 20.0-39.9 g and 30.0-44.9 g for the females and males, respectively. The TL-W relationships of the crayfish were described as W=0.000 01×TL3.381 3 and W=0.000 01×TL3.230 9, indicating that both of the males and females exhibited positive allometric growth; the CL-W relationships were described as W=0.000 1×CL3.215 5 and W=0.000 2×CL3.179 8; the CL-TL relationships were described as TL=2.928 6+2.027×CL and TL=-5.036 9+2.370 1×CL; the CW-CL relationships were described as CL=5.479 2+1.942 3×CW and CL=9.646 8+1.765 6×CW; and the ChW-ChL relationships were described as ChL=-13.721+6.679×ChW and ChL=-4.828+6.148 7×ChW. The Pearson correlation analysis results showed significantly positive correlations among the 6 indexes, and the TL, CL and CW were most correlated to the W.
Key words:  Procambarus clarkii  body weight  morphological trait  correlationship  parent selection