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盐城师范学院 江苏省盐土生物资源研究重点实验室/江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点实验室/江苏滩涂生物农业协同创新中心,江苏 盐城 224007
以大蒜为原料,在高温高湿环境下,采用由5%食盐水浸泡6 h,-80 ℃冷冻6 h,45 ℃恒湿酶活1 d,恒湿变温糖化,45 ℃干燥5 d等工艺过程组成的黑蒜加工新工艺,以感官评价与理化指标检测相结合的方法,开展了黑蒜加工糖化变温的不同处理条件对黑蒜色泽、气味、口感、还原糖、总酚和还原力的影响研究。结果表明:糖化变温参数变温前80 ℃ 4 d,变温后65 ℃ 1 d为最佳。所加工的黑蒜为黑褐色,无辛辣味、酸甜适口,软糯有弹性;总糖、还原糖和总酚含量分别为69.06%、32.14%和0.67%,且具有较好还原力。
关键词:  黑蒜  糖化变温  感官评价  总糖  还原糖  总酚
Effect of temperature change in saccharifying on the quality of black garlic
LI Chaofeng1, SHEN Yinhan1, WU Wenwen1, TANG Boping1, WANG Jingwen1, LEI Xiaomeng1
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Bioresources of Saline Soils / Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Wetland Bioresources and Environmental Protection / Jiangsu Synthetic Innovation Center for Coastal Bio-agriculture, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224007, Jiangsu, China
In hot and humid environment, the garlic was processed with a new technology. The garlic was immersed in 5% salt water for 6 h, frozen at -80 ℃ for 6 h, activated in constant humidity at 45 ℃ for 1 d, saccharified under constant humidity and variable temperature, then dried at 45 ℃ for 5 d, after which the black garlic was produced. The effect of temperature change in the saccharifying step was evaluated with the color, odor, taste, reducing sugar, total phenol and reducing power of the black garlic by sense organ criterion combined with physical-chemical index. The results showed that 80 ℃ during 4 d and 65 ℃ during 1 d was the optimal setting in the saccharifying process. The black garlic produced is dark brown, without spicy taste, soft, elastic and has a taste of sweet and sour. The content of total sugar, reducing sugar and total phenolic in the black garlic produced are 69.06%, 32.14% and 0.67%, respectively and strong reducing power was also detected.
Key words:  black garlic  saccharifying at variable temperature  sensory evaluation  total sugar, reducing sugar  total phenolic