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1.大连海洋大学 水产与生命学院, 辽宁 大连 116023;2.中国科学院水生生物研究所 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072
博斯腾湖为西北高原地区湖泊,1958年开始商业化渔业生产,1962年开始鱼类引种工作,半个多世纪以来湖区鱼类资源组成处于不断的变动当中。本文围绕湖区鱼类群落组成动态、当前鱼类的体长与体重关系及种群生长状况开展研究,于2019年春季(4月)、夏季(8月)、秋季(10月),通过渔具采样和渔获物调查相结合的方法,在博斯腾湖共发现鱼类17种,隶属于4目8科,其中?(Hemiculter leucisculus)、池沼公鱼(Hypomesus olidus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)为优势种,鱼类资源结构小型化问题严重。描述了15种鱼类体长-体重关系与生长情况,其中12种鱼类为正异速生长,3种鱼类为负异速生长,优势鱼类的体长-体重关系式参数b值范围2.95~3.56,决定系数r2值范围0.874~0.997。本研究所得结果可为博斯腾湖鱼类资源保护与可持续利用提供基础资料和科学支撑。
关键词:  博斯腾湖  鱼类小型化  体长-体重关系式  鱼类资源保护
Resource composition, length-weight relationship and condition factor of fishes in Bosten Lake
WANG Puze1,2, SONG Dan2, ZHANG Yinzhe2, QIAN Jing2, GONG Kun2, YE Shaowen2, LIU Jiashou2, LI Zhongjie2
1.College of Fisheries and Life Science, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, Liaoning,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China
Bosten Lake located in the Northwest plateau, where commercial fishery production began in 1958 and fish introduction began in 1962. The composition of fish resources in the lake has been constantly changing for more than half a century. This study focuses on the dynamic changes of fish composition, the current length-weight relationships and the population growth conditions in the Lake. In spring (April), summer (August) and autumn (October) 2019, a total of 17 species of fish belonging to 4 orders and 8 families were found in Bosten Lake through a combination of fishing gear sampling and catch investigation. Among them, the dominant species are Hemiculter leucisculus, Hypomesus olidus and Carassius auratus, and the problem of miniaturization of fish resource structure is still serious. This study discripbed fifteen species’s LWR and fatness, twelve species grow at positive allometry, and three species grow at negative allometry. In the Length-weight relationship parameters, the b value ranged between 2.95 and 3.56, and the value of the determination coefficient r2 ranged between 0.874 and 0.997. The results of this study can provide basic data and scientific support for the conservation and sustainable utilization of fish resources in Bosten Lake.
Key words:  Bosten Lake  fish miniaturization  Length-weight relationships  fish conservation