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湖南工业大学 生命科学与化学学院 生物医学纳米材料与器件重点实验室,湖南 株洲412007
为了探究淡紫紫孢菌(Purpureocillium lilacinum)PLF-1对百合种球的促生作用及对百合尖刀镰孢菌的防治效果,采用平板对峙法评估淡紫紫孢菌对尖孢镰刀菌的拮抗效果,以及淡紫紫孢菌对百合抗尖孢镰刀菌的抗性作用。同时监测百合种球中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性变化情况。研究结果表明:浓度为4.34×104 CFU/mL和4.34×105 CFU/mL的淡紫紫孢菌孢子悬浮液对百合种球表现为促进作用,浓度为4.34×104 CFU/mL时最高茎长达11 cm。平板拮抗实验中该淡紫紫孢菌菌株能有效抑制尖孢镰刀菌生长,抑制率高达72%。接种淡紫紫孢菌和病原菌的百合种球茎长会增长37.6%,根长会增长33%。该菌株能提高感染尖刀镰孢菌百合种球中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,有效抑制尖刀镰孢菌的毒害作用,促进植株健康生长。
关键词:  淡紫紫孢菌  百合种球  尖刀镰孢菌  促生  抗性
Effects of Purpureocillium lilacinum PLF-1 on growth and related defense enzyme activity of Lilium bulbs after infection with Fusarium oxysporum
GUO Yajie, LI Xiaolong, PENG Xuyun, BI Jingjing, LU Chunyan, ZHANG Fengqin
Key Laboratory of Biomedical Nanamaterials and Devices, College of Life Science and Chemistry, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, Hunan, China
In this study, the growth of Lilium bulbs treated with Purpureocillium lilacinum was evaluated under tissue culture and hydroponic conditions. In the experiment, the antagonistic effect of P.lilacinum on Fusarium oxysporum was explored. The resistance of P.lilacinum to the Lilium bulbs plants was evaluated after inoculating F.oxysporum. At the same time, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in Lilium bulbs were monitored. The results showed that the concentration of 4.34×104 CFU/mL and 4.34×105 CFU/mL of P.lilacinum spore suspension promoted the growth of Lilium bulbs, and the highest stem length was 11 cm when the spore suspension concentration was 4.34×104 CFU/mL. In the plate antagonistic experiment, the strain of P.lilacinum effectively inhibited the growth of F.oxysporum, and the inhibition rate was as high as 72%. Compared with the Lilium bulbs inoculated with the pathogenic fungus F.oxysporum, the stem length of the Lilium bulbs inoculated with P.lilacinum and F.oxysporum increased by 37.6%, the root length increased by 33%, and the fresh weight increased by 44.9%. The strain was able to increase SOD, POD and CAT activity in Lilium bulbs to control Fusarium oxysporum and promote the growth of Lilium bulbs.
Key words:  Purpureocillium lilacinum  Lilium bulb  Fusarium oxysporum  growth-promoting  resistance