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南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院,江苏 南京 211816
关键词:  植物组织培养  生物反应器  高通量  药用资源
High-throughput phytobioreactors and their application in the exploration of genetic resources
CHEN Jishuang, ZHANG Benhou
Institute of Bioresource Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, Jiangsu, China
Bioreactor is a kind of system or device designed for the purpose of efficiently expressing target products and/or propagules for microbes, animals and plants. A phytobioreactor is an equipment system based on the principles of plant tissue culture and microbial fermentation. Amongst the various types of plant bioreactors, the temporary immersion bioreactor system (TIBS) is the most widely used. Compared with traditional plant tissue culture, the method has the characteristics of air exchange, no transfer and mass culture. A novel BIOF TIBS system developed in China, that realizes high throughput capacities by using series or parallel connections of bioreactor tanks, is described herein. Its advantages are demonstrated in applications for seedling propagation, expressing of motabolism products, selection of salt-tolerant plant varieties, and dynamic analysis of plant growth and development. More attention has been raised to phytobioreactors as a new platform for plant tissue culturing by the requirements of modern biotechnology. The continual improvement of methods and equipments for new phytobioreactors will provide more efficient research support of plant science, not only for plant breeding, but also for the discovery of plant derived compounds, especially for plant-microbe interaction studies.
Key words:  plant tissue culture  bioreactor  high-throughput  medicinal resource