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1.三峡大学 生物与制药学院;2.三峡库区生态环境教育部工程研究中心;3.中国环境科学研究院,北京 100021
关键词:  大型底栖动物  高岚河物种  丰富度  生物多样性
基金项目:生物多样性调查评估项目 2019HJ2096001006生物多样性调查评估项目(2019HJ2096001006)
Temporal and spatial distribution and impact factors of macrobenthos in Gaolan river
XU Yahong1,3,ZHENG Ziye1,3,WANG Jianzhu1,2,LUO Zunlan3
1.College of Biology and Pharmacy, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;2.Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ecological Environment Education Engineering Research Center, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;3.Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences, Beijing 100021, China
In order to understand the species richness of macrobenthos distributed along the river and the impact of environmental factors on the population, the macrobenthos in the Gaolan river was investigated in December 2016, and the physical and chemical indicators were determined. The results show that the variation of species richness along the vertical gradient of the river is not significant, and the difference of biodiversity index along the river is not significant, indicating that the structure of the macrobenthos community in Gaolan river is stable. The ecological indicator species in the upper reaches of the Gaochun river are Epeorus spp. and Baetis spp., the indicator species in the middle reaches are Baetis spp. and Radix spp., and Radix spp. is the downstream indicator. Fuzzy cluster analysis shows that the macrobenthos in the Gaolan river can be divided into three habitat groups, and the habitats are similar under the gradient distribution, and the relationship between the macrobenthos communities is close and evenly distributed. Canonical correspondence analysis reveals that the main factors affecting the distribution of macrobenthos community structure along the gradient are altitude, pH, turbidity and depth.
Key words:  Macrobenthos  Gaolan River  species richness  biodiversity