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1.惠州卫生职业技术学院;2.龙门马岭灵芝种植基地, 广东 惠州 516025
龙门马岭灵芝种植基地成功将野生血芝驯化栽培,为了鉴定该驯化种的基源,从基地采摘了一株驯化血芝,分别通过观察样品的形态、大小、颜色等性状特征进行性状鉴定,观察菌管、菌丝、孢子等显微特征进行显微鉴定,采用内部转录间隔区(internal transcriptional spacer, ITS)序列分析手段进行分子鉴定。结果表明,样品的性状特征,及其菌管、菌丝、孢子的显微特征与《中国真菌志》中假芝属假芝(Amauroderma rugosum)特征描述相符;ITS序列分析表明样品与假芝属假芝(A. rugosum)的同源性为99%。因此,经鉴定该驯化血芝为灵芝科假芝属假芝(A. rugosum)。
关键词:  假芝  性状鉴定  显微鉴定  ITS序列
基金项目:广东省普通高校青年创新人才类项目 2018GkQNCX068 广东省普通高校青年创新人才类项目(No. 2018GkQNCX068)
Identification of a domesticated Amauroderma mushroom
MAI Yanzhen1,SHEN Ru1,XU Yinghui1,FENG Bairu1,LONG Zhengchuan2
1.Huizhou Health Sciences Polytechnic, Huizhou 516025, Guangdong, China;2.Longmen Maling Ganoderma Cultivation Base, Huizhou 516025, Guangdong, China
A wild Amauroderma mushroom was domesticated successfully in Longmen Maling ganoderma cultivation base. In order to identify the origin, a strain of Amauroderma mushroom was collected from the base and identified by morphological, microscopic and molecular identifications. Macroscopic identification was carried out by observing the morphology, size and color of the sample, and microscopic identification was carried out by observing the microscopic characteristics of the mediostratum, mycelium and spore, and molecular identification was performed by internal transcriptional spacer(ITS) sequence analysis. The experiment result showed that the morphological and microscopic characteristics were consistent with those of A. rugosum in the “Chinese Mycology”; the ITS sequence analysis showed that the similarity value between the sample and A. rugosum was 99%. So this domesticated Amauroderma mushroom is identified as A. rugosum.
Key words:  Amauroderma rugosum  macroscopic identification  microscopic identification  ITS sequence