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1.中南民族大学 武陵山区特色资源植物种质保护与利用湖北省重点实验室;2.中南民族大学 生物技术国家民委重点实验室;3.西南民族大学 青藏高原研究院
关键词:  野生豆科植物  豆类蛋白  资源分布
基金项目:国家科学技术部科技基础性工作专项重点项目资助 2014FY110100;湖北省科技条件平台建设专项 2017BEC014;湖北省重点实验室后补助专项 2018BFC360国家科学技术部科技基础性工作专项重点项目资助(2014FY110100),湖北省科技条件平台建设专项(2017BEC014),湖北省重点实验室后补助专项(2018BFC360)
A survey of wild legume resources and bean proteins in China
LIU Hong1,YI Lisha1,PU Yiqin1,WANG Jing2,WU Zhihua1,YANG Kong3,QIN Rui1,2
1.Key Laboratory for Protection and Application of Special Plant Germplasm in Wuling Area of Hubei Province, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430000, Hubei, China;2.Key Laboratory of State Ethnic Affairs Commission for Biological Technology, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China;3.Institute of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610000, Sichuan, China
Plant of Leguminosae are widely distributed in the world and have important economic, ecological, medicinal and ornamental values. The protein in plant of Leguminosae, as a high quality protein in plant protein, has been valued and developed since the dual protein project of the "national nutrition program" was launched in China. China is rich in wild leguminous resources, but in most areas the wild leguminous resources have not been rationally developed and utilized. In this paper, the resources and values of wild leguminous plants in various regions of China are summarized, and the research methods of leguminous protein were systematically analyzed, so as to make a prospect of wild leguminous resources and the application of leguminous protein.
Key words:  wild leguminous plant  leguminous protein  resource distribution