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1.湖北大学 生命科学学院, 湖北 武汉430062;2.广东溢多利生物科技股份有限公司;3.湖北华扬科技发展有限公司
博落回散能抑菌消炎、改善畜禽肠道内环境,兼具营养和药用双重作用,已经成为一类新型饲料添加剂。酶制剂是目前已在养殖业广泛使用的饲料添加剂,它能提高动物对饲料的消化利用率、提高饲料转化率、降低饲喂成本。博落回散能否和酶制剂同时使用目前尚未有相关的研究报道。本文研究了不同浓度博落回散溶液对8种常用饲用酶制剂活性的影响,实验结果表明,在正常使用浓度(30~50 mg/L)范围内,博落回散不会明显影响淀粉酶、纤维素酶、果胶酶、甘露聚糖酶和木聚糖酶这5种糖基水解酶的活性;对植酸酶、酸性蛋白酶和脂肪酶这3种非糖基水解酶的活性影响不大,这说明博落回散能和酶制剂同时添加到饲料中。本研究为兽用博落回散饲料添加剂在养殖行业的广泛应用提供了实验支持。
关键词:  博落回散  酶制剂  相对酶活
Effect of veterinary Macleaya cordata extract on enzymic activity of feed enzymes
ZHANG Nuo1,KE Dingkun1,DU Hongfang2,WU Pan1,GUO Yuguang2,LING Huayun3,JIANG Sijing1,ZHANG Guimin1
1.College of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, Hubei, China;2.Guangdong Yiduoli Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhuhai 519060, Guangdong, China;3.Hubei Huayang Technology Development Co., Ltd., Huanggang 438899, Hubei, China
Macleaya cordata extract can inhibit bacteria and reduce inflammation, improve the intestinal environment of livestock and poultry, and has both nutrition and medicinal effects. It has been added to feed as a feed additive. Feed enzymes improve the digestion and utilization rate of feed, increase the feed conversion rate and reduce the feeding cost. Therefore, enzymes are also widely used in livestock feed. However, whether Macleaya cordata extract affects the activity of feed enzyme preparation has not been studied. This work explores the effects of different concentrations of Macleaya cordata extract solution on the activity of eight commonly used feed enzyme preparations. The experimental results showed that the working concentrations (30~50 mg/L) did not inhibit five glycosyl hydrolases significantly, including amylase, cellulase, pectinase, mannanase, and xylanase. The activity of the enzyme also had little effect on the three non-glycosyl hydrolases, such as phytase, acid protease, and lipase. It reveals that Macleaya cordata extract and feed enzyme preparations can be added to the feed at the same time. This study provides experimental basis for the widespread use of Macleaya cordata extract feed additives in breeding industry.
Key words:  Macleaya cordata extract  enzyme preparation  relative enzyme activity