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1.石河子大学 生命科学学院;2.石河子大学 农学院
为了探究新疆本土蟠桃园可培养酵母菌多样性,并挖掘功能酵母资源,本研究以新疆石河子蟠桃园3年、8年、15年树龄的根际和非根际土壤以及桃树叶片为材料,经过传统的分离培养方法获得可培养的酵母菌菌株,并进行形态学、生理生化以及26S rDNA的D1/D2区序列分析,共获得可培养酵母菌129株,从属于12个属17个种,其中子囊菌酵母为优势菌群,占分离属的88%,分布于威克汉姆酵母属(Wickerhamomyces), Vanrija属, Barnettozyma属和有孢圆酵母属(Torulaspora)等11个属的15个种。担子菌占分离属的12%,分布于隐球酵母属(Cryptococcus)的2个种。其中优势属威克汉姆酵母属,包括异常威克汉姆酵母(W.anomalus)和W.pijperi两个种,占总比例的33%,优势种异常威克汉姆酵母所占总株数比例为17%。从可培养酵母中共筛选出23株功能酵母,其中富硒酵母21株,优势种为白地霉(Galactomyces candidum),产蛋白酶酵母2株均属于隐球酵母属的Cryptococcus albidus。结果表明,新疆桃园中蕴含丰富的酵母菌资源,非根际土壤中的酵母多样性大于根际及叶片酵母多样性,且分离得到富硒酵母及产蛋白酶酵母。本研究挖掘了新疆本土可培养酵母菌资源,同时也为功能酵母的开发和利用提供理论指导。
关键词:  新疆  酵母菌  多样性  26S rDNA  富硒酵母  产蛋白酶酵母
Diversity of culturable yeast and screening of functional yeast in soils of flat peach trees of different ages in Shihezi
WANG Qiqi1,ZHANG Yao1,LEI Yonghui2,FENG Li1,XIONG Jie1,SUN Yanfei1
1.College of Life Science, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China;2.College of Agriculture, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
In order to explore the culturable yeast diversity and search for functional yeast resources in Shihezi, Xinjiang, China, yeast strains were obtained by traditional isolation and culture methods from the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils and the flat peach leaves of the 3, 8 and 15 years. Using the morphological, physiological and biochemical methods and the sequence analysis of D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA, we obtained a total of 129 strains of culturable yeast, belonging to 12 genera and 17 species, of which ascomycete yeast was the dominant community, accounting for 88% of the isolated genera and distributed in 15 species of 11 genera. Basidiomycetes accounted for 12% of the isolated genera and distributed in two species of Cryptococcus. Among them, Wickerhamomyces, including anomalus and pijperi, accounted for 33% of the total, and the dominant species W. anomalu accounted for 17% of the total number of yeasts. A total of 23 functional yeasts were screened, including 21 selenium-enriched yeasts, the dominant species was Galactomyces candidum, and the two protease-producing yeasts belonged to C. albidus. The results showed that abundant yeast resources were contained in peach tree soil in Xinjiang. The yeast diversity in non-rhizosphere soil was greater than that in rhizosphere soil and leaves, and selenium-enriched yeast and protease-producing yeast were also isolated. The study explored the culturable yeast resources in Xinjiang and provides theoretical guidance for the development and utilization of functional yeast.
Key words:  Xinjiang  yeast  diversity  26S rDNA  selenium-enriched yeast  protease producing yeast