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新疆智库丝路知识产权大数据中心, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002
微生物作为全世界分布最广且拥有量最多的生物资源,其应用已涉及到诸多领域并展现出了巨大的经济价值和社会价值。因此研究微生物及其知识产权(intellectual property rights, IPR)全产业链的现状和发展,对于我们如何全新地认知微生物,如何挖掘微生物资源以及发挥微生物作为产业最重要部分的作用具有重要的意义。我国已形成了较为完备的微生物相关专利保护体系,已形成了基于微生物的全产业链生态发展闭环格局。本文通过以微生物专利构成实质技术转移、许可和质押相关大数据分析,通过挖掘利用各种微生物资源,从战略高度探索国家开放遗传资源的大数据,围绕微生物功能性活性成分、菌株(群)基因大数据,基于微生物功能代谢产物、基因组进行数据分析、预警和专利布局,做好微生物资源IPR现状研究及发展对策。最终形成以产业为依托,战略性资源作为引导,IPR助推微生物全产业链中核心技术引擎的格局,进而实现微生物战略资源产业集群发展。
关键词:  微生物资源  知识产权  大数据分析  技术引擎
Intellectual property right status of strategic microbial resources and development strategies
ZHAO Guoyi,WANG Lu,AN Weiwei,YAN Lun,CHE Zhiqiang,BAI Hui,XIAO Ce
Xinjiang Think Tank Silk Road Intellectual Property Right Mage Data Center, Uruqmi 830002, Xinjiang, China
As the most widely distributed resource in the world, microbes have been applied in many fields and have shown great economic and social value. Therefore, the research on the current situation and development of microbial industry and its intellectual property right industry chain is of great significance for us to cultivate new microbes, to excavate microbial resources and play the role of microbes as the most important part of the industry. At present, China has formed a relatively complete microbiological related patent protection system, and has formed a closed-loop pattern of ecological development of whole industrial chain based on microbes. This paper explores the macro data of national open genetic resources from the strategic perspective by using microbial patents to constitute substantive technology transfer, licensing and pledge related big data analysis, and exploring the use of microbial functional active components and strains (groups), gene big data, microbial functional metabolites and genome data analysis, early warning and patent layout, to do a good job in microbial resource intellectual property right (IPR) status research and development countermeasures.Finally, the pattern of core technology engine based on industry, guided by strategic resources and promoted by intellectual property rights is formed to realize the development of microbial strategic resource industry cluster.
Key words:  microbial resource  intellectual property right (IPR)  mega data analysis  technology engine