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1.天津农学院 动物科学与动物医学学院, 天津 300384;2.天津农学院 农业分析中心, 天津 300384
关键词:  柴鸡蛋  蛋清  蛋黄  粗蛋白  氨基酸
JIANG Dan1,LAN Yiyang1,WANG Jin'e2
1.College of Animal Science and Animal Medicine, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384,China;2.Center for Agricultural Analysis, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384,China
Four different brands of firewood eggs of Sheng Jing Yuan, Tian Jia Hu, Jin Zhu and Fu Xing were selected to analyse the content of crude protein in the egg white and egg yolk. Meanwhile, the composition and content of amino acids were measured and analyzed, and the nutritional value was determined by the method of amino acid ratio coefficient. The results showed that the four different brands were rich in amino acids, complete range, and reasonable proportion of composition. Among them, the content of crude protein and amino acid ratio of Jin Zhu firewood eggs is higher than that of the others, and the evaluation score was up to 82.34. The content of amino acid and the composition of each other are closer to the needs of the human body, and the nutritional value is higher. At the same time, this research showed that firewood eggs have high nutritional value, and have broad prospect in market development and utilization.
Key words:  firewood egg  egg white  egg yolk  crude protein  amino acid