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1.延边大学 长白山生物资源与功能分子教育部重点实验室;2.延边大学 农学院
关键词:  蒲公英属  形态比较  手绘素描  植物检索表
JIN Yinghua1,2,QUAN Xueli2,JIN Zhuzhe2
1.Key Laboratory of Natural Resources of Changbai Mountain & Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education,Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, Jilin, China;2.Agricultural College of Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, Jilin, China
The plants of the genus Taraxacum are perennial herbs of the Compositae, and whole plant has white milk juice, which have the functions of heat-clearing, detoxifying, dispersing and diuresis. Therefore, it has high medicinal value. The comparative study of 9 species of wild Taraxacum plants in Jilin province was conducted through field investigation and plant specimens, and freehand sketching plants and making plant key for 9 Taraxacum plants according to interspecific morphological differences. The results showed that it can be distinguished from Taraxacum leucanthum and T. variegatum according to the flower color and foliage spots;the outer layer of bracts from T. borealisinense and T. mongolicum can be distinguished. T. junpeianum, T. ohwianum, T. heterolepis and T. asiaticum can be distinguished by shape of outer phyllary. Among them we can find three endemic plants of China, they are T. heterolepis, T. variegatum and T. junpeianum.
Key words:  genus Taraxacum  morphological comparison  freehand sketch  plant key