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1.中国林业科学研究院 资源昆虫研究所,云南 昆明650233;2.国家林业局;资源昆虫培育与利用重点实验室,云南 昆明650233
汞是一种人体非必需且有毒的重金属元素,全球性的汞污染因对人类健康具有损害而备受社会关注。自然界中的汞绝大部分会通过江河径流和雨雪尘土的沉降而进入水生生态系统,每年进入水生生态系统的汞至少有10 000吨。水生昆虫作为重要的消费者生物存在于水生生态食物网中,是其重要的组成部分,在水生生态系统的物质循环中扮演着重要角色。本文介绍了近年来水生昆虫与汞之间的相关研究,重点总结了水生昆虫对汞的吸收和富集程度,分析了水生昆虫在汞的水-陆转移中的作用。研究数据表明,水生昆虫对汞的吸收程度与环境因素有关,并通过不同的途径转移到陆地生态系统中,对陆地生态系统上层食物链的生物存在一定的威胁,同时也需注意在对水生昆虫进行开发利用的同时,考虑汞是否超标的因素。
关键词:  水生昆虫    甲基汞  吸收  富集  水-陆转移
WANG Jindi1,2,WANG Chengye1,2,ZHAO Min1,2,FENG Ying1,2
1.Research Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650233, Yunnan, China;2.Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Resource Insect, State Forestry Administration of P. R. China, Kunming, 650233, Yunnan, China
Mercury is a non-essential and toxic heavy metal element of the human body. Global mercury pollution has attracted much attention because of its damage to human health. Most of the mercury in nature enters aquatic ecosystems through river runoff and the deposition of rain and snow dust, with at least 10,000 tons of mercury entering the aquatic ecosystem each year. As an important consumer animal, aquatic insects are an important part of the aquatic ecological food network and play an important role in the material cycle of aquatic ecosystems. This paper introduces the related research between aquatic insects and mercury in recent years, focusing on the absorption and enrichment of mercury by aquatic insects, and analyzing the role of aquatic insects in the water-land transfer of mercury. The research data show that the degree of mercury absorption by aquatic insects is related to environmental factors and is transferred to terrestrial ecosystems through different pathways, which poses a certain threat to the organisms in the upper food chain of terrestrial ecosystems. At the same time of development and utilization of aquatic insects, whether the mercury exceeds the standard should be considered.
Key words:  aquatic insect  mercury  methylmercury  absorption  enrichment  water-land transfer