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1.三峡大学 医学院,湖北宜昌 443002;2.三峡大学 生物与制药学院 天然产物研究与利用湖北省重点实验室,湖北宜昌 443002;3.湖北三峡职业技术学院,湖北宜昌 443002
关键词:  小花清风藤  特征  显微鉴定
基金项目:水利部水土保持植物开发管理中心合作项目(No. 2017-zg-kj-4/SDHZ2017015;2018-zg-kj-03);宜昌市医疗卫生项目(No.A16-302-b07)
ZHANG Min1,QIN Wen2,3,SUN Zhiying2,TIAN Li2,ZOU Kun2,ZENG Jianhong1
1.Medical College of China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research and Development, College of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;3.Hubei Three Gorges Polytechnic, Yichang 443000, Hubei, China
In order to provide scientific and accurate macroscopic and microscopic characteristics to Sabia parviflora Wall. ex Roxb, the leaf trait, tissue structure and powder characteristic were studied. The results show that the leaf traits are as follows: dark green in color, glabrous on both sides, near thinly leathery, long ovate-lanceolate, pointed apex, short petiole, gas micro and light taste. The microscopic features are as the following: 2-3 rows of palisade tissue below the upper surface of the leaf, 1 row of palisade tissue beneath the lower surface; the xylem vessels of the main vascular bundle are arranged radially, and the outer side has annular fibers; the oil cells are present in pieces; the cell walls of the epidermal cells are thickened, the amorphous stomata are more common; the filaments of the long spindle are formed; the calcium oxalate clusters are numerous, and the angular edges are mostly short and blunt. This study identifies the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The identification method is simple, accurate and reliable.
Key words:  Sabia parviflora  macroscopic characteristic  microscopic identification