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1.宝鸡文理学院 化学化工学院 陕西省植物化学重点实验室;2.西安医学院附属宝鸡医院
以钮子七提取物为材料,通过邻苯三酚自氧化法测定钮子七提取物对超氧阴离子生成的影响,通过邻二氮菲溶液测定钮子七提取物 对羟自由基的清除作用;采用噻唑蓝(MTT)法测定钮子七提取物对胃癌细胞生长的影响。结果显示,钮子七水提取物和70%乙醇提取物对超氧阴离子的产生有较强的抑制作用,在浓度大于5.0 mg/mL时,抑制作用显著增强。钮子七70%乙醇提取物和水提取物均有清除羟自由基的作用,在浓度大于2.5 mg/mL时清除作用显著增强。钮子七水提物和乙酸乙酯提取物在24 h、48 h及72 h后对胃癌细胞均有抑制作用,且都以作用72 h后抑制作用最强。结果表明,钮子七提取物具有较强的抗氧化作用以及较强的抑制胃癌细胞的作用。
关键词:  钮子七提取物  抗氧化  胃癌细胞  抑制
Antioxidation and inhibition of Panax pseudoginseng Wall. extracts on gastric cancer cells
WANG Xiaomei1,WANG Yijie2,CHEN Qi1,ZHAO Lifang1
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences,Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry, Baoji 721013, Shaanxi, China;2.Baoji;Hospital Affiliated to Xi'an Medical University, Baoji 721000, Shaanxi, China
Inhibition of Panax pseudoginseng Wall. extracts on superoxide anion by pyrogallol autooxidation method, and scavenging effect of th extracts on hydroxyl radical by phenanthroline solution were studied. MTT method was used to determine the effect of the extracts on gastric cancer cell growth. Results showed that the water extracts and 70% ethanol extracts had strong inhibitory effect on the production of superoxide anions,and the inhibitory effect was significantly enhanced when the concentrations were greater than 5.0 mg/mL. The water extracts and ethyl acetate extracts could inhibit the gastric cancer cells after 24 h, 48 h and 72 h, and the strongest inhibitory effect was after 72 h. The results indicate that Panax pseudoginseng Wall. extracts have strong antioxidation effect and strong inhibition on gastric cancer cells.
Key words:  Panax pseudoginseng Wall. extract  antioxidation  gastric cancer cell  inhibition