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华南农业大学 广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室/华南农业大学亚热带农业生物资源保存与利用国家重点实验室
本论文探讨了不同浓度的稀H2SO4和稀NaOH预处理对大豆秸秆、水稻秸秆、象草和狼尾草四种不同生物质酶解制备还原糖的影响。结果表明,大豆秸秆、水稻秸秆、象草和狼尾草具有较高的纤维素和半纤维素含量,是制备还原糖的理想原料。与稀H2SO4预处理相比,经稀NaOH预处理后的样品表现出较好的酶解性能。通过使用4%的NaOH对大豆秸秆和狼尾草进行预处理,还原糖产量分别为145.8 mg/mL和319.2 mg/mL。此外,以1%NaOH预处理后的水稻秸秆和象草为原料,可以分别获得385.2 mg/mL和231.6 mg/mL还原糖产量。
关键词:  还原糖  预处理  酶解  木质纤维素
Effects of dilute acid and alkali pretreatments on reducing sugar production from four different kinds of biomass
ZHU Yikui,XU Xujian,LUO Weiru,DENG Xiaomei,WU Aimin,LI Huiling
Guangdong Key Laboratory for Innovative Development and Utilization of Forest Plant Germplasm, State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong, China
The effects of dilute acid and alkali pretreatments on the enzymatic hydrolysis of different kinds of biomass (soybean straw, rice straw, grassiness and pennisetum) were evaluated in the present study by H2SO4 and NaOH. Component analysis showed that the carbohydrate contents (cellulose and hemicellulose) of soybean straw, rice straw, grassiness and pennisetum were high enough for the reducing sugar production. Compared with dilute H2SO4 pretreatment, dilute NaOH-pretreated samples showed better performances on the enzymatic digestibility. 145.8 mg/mL and 319.2 mg/mL of reducing sugar yields were obtained from the 4.0% NaOH-pretreated soybean straw and pennisetum, respectively, meanwhile rice straw and grassiness pretreated with 1.0% NaOH released 385.2 mg/mL and 231.6 mg/mL of reducing sugars, respectively.
Key words:  reducing sugar  pretreatment  enzymatic hydrolysis  lignocellulose