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恩施州硒应用技术与产品开发研究院,湖北 恩施 445000
采用正交试验研究了碎米荠、韭菜、大豆、马铃薯的产量、含硒量与土壤酸碱度、硒酸盐、亚硒酸盐含量的关系。结果表明:影响作物含硒量最大的因素是作物品种,不同作物间差异极显著。在土壤中施用硒酸钠和亚硒酸钠均能够提高作物含硒量,用量均以1.0 mg/kg为宜;硒酸钠会使作物产量降低,用量过高使作物硒吸收总量下降;土壤pH值增加有利于植物对硒的吸收,但综合考虑作物产量、含硒量和硒摄入总量,土壤适合的pH值应在6.7~7.9之间。
关键词:  正交试验  含硒量  土壤酸碱度  硒酸盐  亚硒酸盐
基金项目:农业行业标准制定项目“土壤中有效硒的测定 高效液相-原子荧光光谱法”(18162130109237110)。
Correlation analysis between yield,selenium content in different crops and pH, selenate and selenite in soils by orthogonal experiment
CHEN Yongbo, HUANG Guangyu, HU Baishun, QIN Bang, LIU Shuqin, ZHANG Chaoyang, CHEN E, XIONG Qian
Enshi Selenium Application Technology and Product Development Research Institute, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China
Orthogonal experiments were conducted to study the correlation between yield, selenium content in Cardamine hirsuta, leek, soybean, potato and soil pH, selenate, and selenite content. The results showed that the most important factor affecting the selenium content of crops was crop varieties, and the differences among different crops were extremely significant. The application of sodium selenate and sodium selenite in the soil could increase the selenium content of the crop, and the optimum dosage was 1.0 mg/kg. Sodium selenate reduced the yield of crops, the total absorption of selenium in crops decreased when high dosage was used. The increase of soil pH is favorable for the absorption of selenium by plants, but considering the crop yield, selenium content and the total intake of selenium, the soil suitable pH value should be between 6.7~7.9.
Key words:  orthogonal experiment  selenium content  soil pH  selenate  selenite