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贵州省林业科学研究院,贵州 贵阳 550011
五倍子产量的高低取决于雏倍的数量。为了探讨影响角倍雏倍形成的影响因子,在贵阳市、石阡县的青阳乡和本庄镇开展了角倍种虫的袋内培养、野外挂放及成瘿复叶叶序的研究。结果表明:挂放地海拔高度、不同来源的盐肤木以及适合致瘿的复叶数量是影响雏倍形成的主要因素。在角倍种虫的袋内培养环节,填充物会影响袋内干母数量,但使用玉米苞叶和皱纹纸作为内垫物,两者间差异不显著。海拔因子对野外挂放的成瘿数量有显著影响,高海拔地区(1 200 m以上)的虫瘿数量显著高于低海拔地区;野生盐肤木林中的成瘿数量显著高于人工盐肤木林;成瘿复叶以7~11片叶上的雏倍最多,每片叶上的倍子数为1~5个。因此,可以通过改善虫袋内垫物,低海拔种虫在中高海拔挂放,不同倍林的选择及成瘿复叶调控等措施来提高雏倍的数量。
关键词:  角倍蚜  虫瘿  培育
分类号:Q 969.97
Study on factors affecting Schlechtendalia chinensis formation
ZHANG Niannian, QIU Jiansheng
Guizhou Academy of Forestry, Guiyang 550011, Guizhou, China
The yield of Chinese gall depends on the number of the larvae. To investigate factors affecting Schlechtendalia chinensis formation, this research has been carried out in nutgall forest in Qingyang and Benzhuang, Shiqian County by study of bag culture, field hanging and leaf arrangement. It was no significant differences of the number of fundatrix between the maize leaves and the crepe paper in the bag treatment. Cecidium number at high altitude was significantly greater than that at low altitude, and the number in wild gallnut forest was significantly greater than that in planted nutgall forest. The fundatrix was mostly on the 7 to 11 compound leaves, and the number of insect gall was 1 to 5 on each leaf. Therefore, production of Schlechtendalia chinensis could be improved through inner cushion changing of aphid bags, normal region selecting, and fundatrix management.
Key words:  Schlechtendalia chinensis  insect gall  breeding