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1.中国林业科学研究院 资源昆虫研究所,云南 昆明 650224;2.国家林业局 资源昆虫培育与利用重点实验室,云南 昆明 650224
黑水虻幼虫在国内外被普遍用于处理有机废弃物,得到的黑水虻幼虫由于富含蛋白质又可用于畜禽养殖,或用于提取油脂、蛋白及甲壳素等物质。本文利用云南省昆明市宜良县汤池镇当地较多的有机废弃物(豆腐渣、鸡粪及发酵鸡粪)饲养黑水虻幼虫,15 d后,对三种幼虫进行营养测定,并比较不同食物饲养幼虫营养成分的差异,可根据测定结果对不同用途幼虫选择较合适的饲养物质。结果表明豆腐渣饲养幼虫的蛋白(52.3%)、油脂(22.6%)及氨基酸(36.80%)含量均高于两种鸡粪饲养的幼虫(蛋白含量为46.9%及45.9%、油脂为5.13%及4.30%、氨基酸为23.51%及28.48%),灰分(9.89%)含量低于这两种鸡粪饲养的幼虫(23.2%及19.6%);两种鸡粪饲养的黑水虻幼虫中锌、铜及铅等部分金属元素含量较高。三种食物饲养的黑水虻幼虫营养成分存在一定差异,其中豆腐渣饲养的黑水虻幼虫营养较为丰富,且重金属含量较低,更适合用于畜禽养殖。
关键词:  黑水虻  幼虫  营养成分
分类号:Q 965
Analysis and comparison of nutrient composition of black soldier fly larvae fed with three organic substrates
HE Zhao1,2, ZHAO Ming1,2, SUN Long1,2, WANG Chengye1,2, FENG Ying1,2
1.Research Institute of Resource Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;2.Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Resource Insects,State Forestry Administration of the P.R. China ,Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
The larvae of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L. 1758) have been successfully used to reduce mass of municipal waste, food scrapes, restaurant and market waste,and may be used as animal feed or for production of secondary products (fat, protein, chitin). Black soldier fly larvae, collected in Tangci Town, Yiliang County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, were fed with bean curd, chicken manure and fermented chicken manure, and nutritional determination of these larvae was carried out for comparing the nutritional differences. The results showed that the protein(52.3%), oil (22.6%)and total amino acid (36.80%) contents of the larvae fed with bean curd were higher than larvae fed with chicken manure and fermented chicken manure(protein ratio were 46.9% and 45.9% respectively , oil ratio were 5.13% and 4.30% respectively, total amino acid were 23.51% and 28.48%), and the ash content(9.89%) was lower than other two larvae(23.2% and 19.6%). Some element contents, including zinc, copper and lead, in the larvae fed with two kinds of chicken manure were higher. There were some differences in the nutritional composition of these larvae, and larvae fed bean curd were more suitable for livestock and poultry farming.
Key words:  black soldier fly  larva  nutrient composition