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1.贵州师范学院 化学与生命科学学院;2.贵州师范学院 药用植物生物技术研究所;3.贵州师范学院 贵州省生物资源开发利用特色重点实验室;4.南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院
以火龙果茎为原料,研究火龙果茎甾醇的提取及精制工艺。利用响应面分析法对火龙果茎甾醇超声提取工艺进行优化。结果表明: 超声波辅助提取火龙果茎甾醇的最佳工艺条件为提取时间57 min、超声功率143 W、液料比12∶1 (mL/g)、温度53 ℃,甾醇得率为2.693‰。通过正交试验确定火龙果茎甾醇精制的最佳条件为:液料比为4∶1 (mL/mg),结晶初始温度为55 ℃,养晶时间为18 h,此条件下火龙果茎甾醇的纯度达到87.6%。
关键词:  火龙果茎  植物甾醇  响应面  纯化
分类号:R 284.2
基金项目:贵州省教育厅自然基金项目(黔教合KY 字[2015]374);贵州省科技厅自然科学基金重点项目(黔科合基础[2016]1415);贵州省大学生创新训练项目黔教高发[2016]201号;贵州省一流师资团队建设项目 (黔高教发[2017]158号);贵州省茶籽资源综合开发利用工程研究中心项目[黔教合KY字[2017]020]
Optimization of extraction and purification of phytosterol from pitaya stem by response surface methodology
OU Yuejiao1, CAO Jianfeng1,2,3, ZHANG Meirong1, CHEN Jishuang4, LIANG Xiqin1, HU Can1, LUO Chaoqin1, XU Lianqiao1
1.School of Chemistry and Life Science, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, Guizhou, China;2.Guizhou Institute of Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, Guizhou, China;3.Guizhou Characteristic Key Laboratory of Biological Resource Exploitation and Utilization,Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, Guizhou, China;4.College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, Jiangsu, China
In this study, the extraction and purification technologies of phytosterol from pitaya stem were investigated. The response surface methodology was used to optimize ultrasound-assisted extraction of phytosterol from pitaya stem. The result showed that the best ultrasonic extraction conditions were as follows: the ultrasonic time was 57 min, the ultrasonic power was 143 W, the ultrasonic temperature was 53℃, and the liquid to solid ratio was 12∶1 (mL/g). The total phytosterol extraction yield was 2.693‰. The optimum purification conditions of phytosterol from pitaya stem were determined by the orthogonal experiment: the liquid to solid ratio was 4∶1 (mL/mg), initial crystallization temperature was 55 ℃, and crystallization time was 18 h. The purity of phytosterol from pitaya stem reached up to 87.6% under the optimum conditions.
Key words:  pitaya stem  phytosterol  response surface  purification