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赵萍1,Saeed Hamid Saeed Omer1,杨恒1,刘金涛1,张子亮1,刘裕慧1,王欢1,魏明广2
1.兰州理工大学 生命科学与工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 730050;2.甘肃敬业农业科技有限公司, 甘肃 武威 733300
向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)作为我国重要的油料作物之一,其葵花籽油的提取已经实现工业化生产,但其副产物向日葵盘、秸秆、葵花籽壳和饼粕等仍然利用不足。随着技术设备条件的优化及产业化条件的成熟,向日葵副产物具有十分广阔的开发应用前景。本文对向日葵花盘现阶段的综合利用情况进行介绍,并总结了向日葵花盘中绿原酸、水溶性多糖、萜类化合物等重要活性物质的提取方法。针对我国目前面临的向日葵作物综合利用发展中出现的向日葵花盘副产物处理难问题,阐述了向日葵花盘的药用价值及其重新开发和综合利用的方法,为向日葵花盘的利用提供指导。
关键词:  向日葵花盘  绿原酸  水溶性多糖  萜类化合物  开发利用
分类号:TS 209
Functional components and research status of sunflower disk
ZHAO Ping1, Saeed Hamid Saeed Omer1, YANG Heng1, LIU Jintao1, ZHANG Ziliang1, LIU Yuhui1, WANG Huan1, WEI Mingguang2
1.School of Life Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China;2.Gansu Jingye Agricultural Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Wuwei 733300, Gansu, China
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the most important oil crops in China.The extraction of sunflower seed oil has been industrialized, but the sunflower disk, straw, seed shell and meal are still not used. With the optimization of technology and equipment and the maturity of industrialization, sunflower by-product has a very broad prospect of development and application. This paper introduces the present situation of the comprehensive utilization of sunflower disk, including the extraction methods of important bioactive substances such as chlorogenic acid, water-soluble polysaccharide and terpenoids. In view of the difficult utilization of sunflower disk by-product in the development of sunflower crops in China, the medicinal value of sunflower disk and the method of its redevelopment and comprehensive utilization are expounded, providing guidance for the utilization of sunflower disk.
Key words:  sunflower disk  chlorogenic acid  water-soluble polysaccharide  terpenoid  development and utilization