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1:云南中医学院中药学院 2:云南中医学院昆明市代谢性疾病中医药防治重点实验室
关键词:  肝损伤  保肝作用  中药  天然药物  研究进展
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81660596;81460623);; 云南省应用基础研究项目(2016FD050;2014FA035;2014FZ083);; 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才(2015HB053);; 云南省高校南药研究协同创新中心(30270100500)
Progress on the development of natural medicines with hepatoprotective effects
LIANG Li;BI Qian;DONG Jincai;YANG Xingxin;YU Jie;
College of Pharmaceutical Science,Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Kunming Key Laboratory for Metabolic Diseases Prevention and Treatment by Chinese Medicine,Yunnan University of TCM
Liver is not only the most important metabolism organ,but also one of the most vulnerable organs.Liver injury caused by different kinds of factors has become an important disease that threatens human health.The mechanism of liver injury is mainly involved with mitochondrial injury,lipid peroxidation of free radical,secretion of inflammatory cytokines and cell membrane injury.It is recently reported that many natural medicines have significant hepatoprotective effects,with such advantages as stable efficacies,low-side effects,multiple pathways and mild and lasting effects.Thus,they have been widely used in the treatment of liver diseases.In this paper,the physiological mechanism of liver injury and development of natural medicines with hepatoprotective effects are reviewed.Furthermore,the existing problems and prospects are also proposed.
Key words:  hepatic damage  hepatoprotective effect  traditional Chinese medicine  natural medicine  research progress