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1:中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院医药生物技术研究所 2:河南省燕山水库管理局
关键词:  内切葡聚糖酶  细菌  纤维素
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31670010); 国家微生物资源平台建设(NIMR-2016-3); 中国医学科学院医学与健康创新工程(CIFMS 2016-I2M-2-002)
Isolation,screening and identification of endoglucanase producing bacteria
SHI Yunlei;WANG Changsheng;SUN Ye;ZHAO Lili;YU Liyan;ZHANG Yuqin
Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College;Henan Yanshan Reservoir Management Bureau;
A total of 110 samples were collected from the following three types of environment,freshwater reservoir,ruminant animal feces and endophytic environment,which were used to isolate bacterial strains using six isolation media.As a result,a total of 414 isolates were purified,among which 171 strains were isolated from fresh water reservoir,70 strains were from ruminant animal feces,and 173 strains were endophytic bacteria.The medium containing sodium carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC-Na)as the sole carbon source was used to screen the endoglucanase producing strains.In this study,197 strains showed endoglucanase activity in preliminary screening,among which 149 strains were confirmed to be endoglucanase producing strains by re-screening experiments.These endoglucanase producing strains were identified based on the 16 SrRNA gene sequence analysis.According to the statistical results,64 endoglucanase producing strains affiliated to 11 genera of 10 families were from freshwater reservoir,19 strains affiliated to 10 genera of 10 families were from ruminant animal feces,and 66 strains affiliated to 19 genera of 16 families were from endophytic environment.These results demonstrated that microorganisms with endoglucanase activities are abundant in the natural resources where cellulose is rich,which are worthy of further research.
Key words:  endoglucanase  bacterium  cellulose