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关键词:  硫磺菌  齿孔酸  高尿酸血症  黄嘌呤氧化酶  反向筛选
Effects of eburicoic acid on xanthine oxidase activity of hyperuricemia
ZHANG Lin,WANG Junzhi,YU Haili,WANG Jinyu,GOU Baoling,LI Yudian,ZOU Kun,SU Xiangping,HE Haibo,Hubei Research Institute of Tujia Medicine/Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research,Development,China Three Gorges University
Hubei Research Institute of Tujia Medicine/Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research and Development,China Three Gorges University
The inhibition of eburicoic acid on xanthine oxidase was assayed by ultraviolet spectrophotometry in vitro,and enzyme kinetics analysis was performed to explore its inhibition mechanism.Hyperuricemia mice model was induced by yeast and potassium oxonate,and the therapeutic effects of eburicoic acid on hyperuricemia mice were evaluated by serum uric acid,serum xanthine oxidase,hepatic xanthine oxidase and levels of serum glucose and lipid.In this study,the kinetic analysis showed that eburicoic acid had an inhibitory effect on xanthine oxidase activity in a reversible competitive manner.Treatment with eburicoic acid significantly decreased the levels of serum uric acid,serum xanthine oxidase,hepatic xanthine oxidase of hyperuricemia mice.The levels of fasting blood glucose,serum triglyceride,serum total cholesterol and serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol in eburicoic acid treated groups were decreased,and serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol and glucose tolerance were increased compared with the model group.The results showed that eburicoic acid a competitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase,which led to uric acid reduction and relieved the metabolism disorder in hyperuricemia mice.Eburicoic acid has the potential of treating hyperuricemia and gout in clinic.
Key words:  Laetiporus sulphureus  eburicoic acid  hyperuricemia  xanthine oxidase  inversion screening