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泉州医学高等专科学校 检验预防系,福建泉州,362000
将TiO2光催化剂负载于活性炭,然后将活性炭装填于冷电弧-光催化-吸附集成反应器中,用该反应器对豆粕氨基酸进行脱色.以豆粕氨基酸的脱色率和氨基酸保留率为指标,探讨处理电压、处理时间、溶液pH和活性炭填充量4个因素对脱色效果的影响.在单因素试验的基础上,利用二次回归正交旋转组合设计建立回归模型方程确定最佳工艺条件,并对方程进行回归分析和系数检验.结果表明:回归方程在α=0.01水平上高度显著.各因素对脱色效果的影响程度大小依次为:溶液pH>活性炭填充量>处理时间>处理电压.最佳脱色条件为处理电压20 kV、处理时间11 min、溶液pH3.6和活性炭填充量63 g,此条件下氨基酸溶液脱色率为94.8%,保留率为83.1%.
关键词:  豆粕氨基酸  二次回归正交旋转组合设计  冷电弧  光催化  吸附  脱色
Optimization of Decolorization of Amino Acid by Cold Plasma-Photocatalysis-Adsorption
LI Baozhu,Department of Medical Examination,Preventive,Quanzhou Medical College
Department of Medical Examination and Preventive,Quanzhou Medical College
Bean pulp amino acid was decolorized in the cold plasma-photocatalysis-adsorption integrated reactor filled with activated carbon loaded by TiO2 photocatalyst.This research investigated the influences of the four factors including processing voltage,processing time,solution pH and loading level of activated carbon by taking the decolorization rate and retention rate of the bean pulp amino acid as the index.Based on the single-factor experiment,the method of quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination design was used for establishing regression model equation to determine the optimal process conditions,and then the regression equations and regression coefficients were tested.The results indicate that the regression equation is highly significant in the level ofα=0.01.The influence degrees of the four factors on the decolorization effect were as follows:solution pH>loading level of activated carbon>processing time>processing voltage.The optimal decolorization conditions were 20 kV of processing voltage,11 min of processing time,63 g loading level of activated carbon with solution pH as 3.6.Under these conditions,the decolorization rate of amino acid solution was 94.8% and the retention rate was 83.1%.
Key words:  bean pulp amino acid  quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination design  cold plasma  photocatalysis  adsorption  decolorization