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豫北太行山旅游开发对生态环境的影响 |
1. 武汉大学生物学实验教学中心,武汉,430072;2. 淮北煤炭师范学院,安徽,淮北,235000
摘要: |
以豫北太行山旅游开发的典型地-红旗渠青年洞和太行大峡谷桃花洞景区为研究对象,采用样地调查和现场提问的方法,以敏感水平、物种多样性指数、旅游影响系数和环境质量重要值等6项指标,同时对景区土壤理化性质进行了考察,分析评价了旅游开发对该区生态环境所产生的影响.结果表明,旅游开发对生态环境的影响具有一定的规律性,在考察的各项指标中,敏感水平与群落景观重要值及生物多样性信息指数两项指标基本上成反比关系.旅游活动对景区的植被、土壤和环境质量都已造成了一定的负面冲击. |
关键词: 旅游开发 旅游影响系数 环境质量 土壤理化性质 |
DOI: |
分类号:X171.1 |
基金项目: |
Impact of Tour Exploitation on Environment in Taihang Mountains |
Abstract: |
The investigation was done on the typical travel sites of the North YU Taihang Mountains,the youth cavity of the Red Flag Aqueduct and the Peach Blossom Valley which lies in the Big Tai Hang Valley.By doing fieldwork and asking questions at the scene,we investigated the physical and chemical characters of the soil,analyzed the impact of tour exploitation on the environment of this area according to 6 standards-sensitive level,information index of species diversity,tourist impact index and environment importance value etc.The results showed that the impact of tour exploitation on the environment was of regularity.Of those standards in our study,sensitive level had inverse relation to community landscape importance value and information index of species diversity.Tourist has had an negative impact on vegetation,soil and environmental quality. |
Key words: tour exploitation tourist impact index environmental quality physical and chemical characters of the soil |