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建立了不同产地连钱草药材的高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)指纹图谱,并进行了比较.连钱草药材采用体积分数75%乙醇蒸馏提取;采用毛细管区带电泳法制定指纹图谱,电泳条件如下:未涂层融熔石英毛细管50 μm I.D.×375 μm 0.D.(总长62 cm,有效长度53.5 cm),电泳缓冲液为含体积分数15%乙腈的50 mmol·L-1硼酸缓冲液(pH9.2),检测波长278 nm,操作电压25 kV,柱温25℃;以对乙酰氨基酚为参照物,建立了连钱草药材的数据化指纹图谱(相对迁移时间和相对峰面积).结果表明:5种连钱草药材(4个产地和对照药材)具有16个共有指纹峰,不同产地连钱草药材指纹图谱的峰重叠率都低于60.3%,共有峰相对峰面积及8强峰均差异较大;连钱草药材的主要化学成分种类和质量分数均因产地不同而有差异;HPCE指纹图谱法具有较好的稳定性、精密度和重现性,简便,快速,可作为连钱草药材的质量控制方法.
关键词:  指纹图谱  连钱草  高效毛细管电泳
Study on the Fingerprints of Herba Glechomae by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis
The fingerprints of Herba Glechomae from different sources were developed by high performance capillary electrophoresis(HPCE) and compared.Herba Glechomae was extracted by distillation with 75% ethanol as extract solvent.Capillary zone electrophoresis was used to determine the fingerprints.The determination was performed on an uncoated fused-silica capillary(50μm i.d.×375μm o.d.,62cm in total length and 53.5cm to the detector).The running buffer was composed of 50 mmol·L~(-1) borate buffer(pH9.2) and 15% acetonitrile.The detection wavelength was 278nm,the applied voltage 25kV and column temperature 25℃.The fingerprints in data format(relative migration time and relative peak area) were established by using paracetamol as a reference standard.As the results shown,there were 16 common peaks in the fingerprints of five samples(four different sources and reference Herba Glechomae).The percentages of peak overlap are below 60.3%,and the relative peak areas of common peaks and eight strong peaks were all different for the fingerprints of Herba Glechomae from different sources.It was concluded that main chemical compositions and their content of Herba Glechomae samples are much different because of different sources,and HPCE fingerprint analysis can be used to control the quality of Herba Glechomae.
Key words:  fingerprint  Herba Glechomae  high performance capillary electrophoresis