摘要: |
利用分光光度法对由纳豆菌发酵产生的纳豆激酶(NK)进行了动力学性质的研究.以双倒数作图法(L-B作图法)求取Km.采用单因素试验法和正交试验法研究了底物浓度、酶浓度、温度、pH值对酶促反应速度的影响.结果表明该纳豆激酶的Km值为 3.498×10-6 g·mL-1, 当水解时间为10 min时,最适底物浓度为16 mg·mL-1,最适温度为60℃,最适pH为8.0. |
关键词: 纳豆激酶 酶动力学性质 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q55 |
基金项目: |
Study on Kinetics of Natto-Kinase |
Abstract: |
The kinetics of Natto-kinase was studied by spectrophotometry .Michaelis constant (Km) was obtained from L-Bplot.The factors such as substrate concentration,enzyme concentration, temperature and pH were studied by single factor and orthogonal design test.The results showed that Km was 3.498×10 -6 g·ml -1 , the optimal hydrolysis conditions were substrate concentration 16mg·ml -1 , pH 8.0, temperature 60℃. |
Key words: Natto-kinase enzyme kinetics |