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1. 韩山师范学院生物系,广东潮州,521041;2. 韩山师范学院成教学院
关键词:  粤东  国家级保护植物  特点分析  利用价值
The State-protected Plants in the Eest Area of Guangdong Province, China
There are 27 rare and endangered species of plants that belong to 24 families ,26 genera in the east area of Guangdong Province, China ( cultivated plants are included). They make up 45.8% of the total in Guangdong Province and 6.9% of the total in China, including 1 species of pteridophyte, 6 species of gymnosperm and 20 species of angiosperm. Among them, 5 are endangered, 4 rare and 18 are vulnerable species( 1 is of grade 1, 7 are of grade 2 and 19 are of grade 3). There are 22 state-protected plants ( cultivated plants are included) that belong to 20 families, 20 genera, making up 8.3% of the total in China, and including 5 species of pteridophyte, 6 species of gymnosperm and 11 species of angiosperm. Among them, 6 are of grade 1 and 16 are of grade 2.The resources of state-protected plants in the east area of Guangdong Province, China possess the features of richness in composition, antiquity of origin and abundance of endemic elements.
Key words:  east area of Guangdong Province  state-protected plants  characteristic analysis  utilization value