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陕西地区石参资源的调查 |
1. 陕西理工学院,陕西省资源生物重点实验室,陕西汉中,723000;2. 略阳县科技局,陕西略阳,724300
摘要: |
对陕西地区珍稀山野菜石参的分布及生长习性,生境、繁殖和生物学特性,加工利用现状作了实地调查,并确定了其分类地位.石参属百合科独尾草属的独尾草(Eremurus chinensis Fedtsch.),为多年生草本植物;其根肉质、柔软,黄色或深褐色,为其食用部分.在陕西省,资源分布十分有限,其主要分布在略阳县境内.目前石参加工利用水平较低,干制品年销售量不足2t .资源保护与开发等诸多问题亟待解决. |
关键词: 石参 独尾草 资源调查 开发利用 陕西 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949.78 |
基金项目:陕西理工学院校科研和教改项目 |
Resources Investigation of Shishen(Eremurus chinensis)in Shaanxi Province |
Abstract: |
The growth, distribution, habitat, biological characteristics and the present conditions of processing of Shishen, an edible wild herb, were investigated. It concluded that Shishen is Eremurus chinensis , a species belonging to genus of Eremurus , and mainly distributed on the hillsides in Lueyang County of Shaanxi Province. The edible roots are fleshy and soft, yellow or heavy brown in color, and from 10 to 30 cm in length. The development of Shishen is also discussed. |
Key words: Shishen ( Eremurus chinensis ) resources investigation development Shaanxi |