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Xterra RP18柱高效液相色谱法快速分离测定氨基酸
1. 湖北恩施南方马铃薯研究中心,恩施,445000;2. 湖北省鹤峰县八峰药化,股份有限公司,445800
建立了一种用Xterra RP18色谱柱快速分离测定水解氨基酸的方法.所采用的色谱条件是:Waters Alliance系统,柱温56℃,流速1.8 ml/min,检测波长248 nm,梯度分离,运行周期25 min,柱反压低于2000 Psi.在17.5 min内分离了包括AM Q、NH3和牛磺酸在内的21种氨基化合物,适应于复合氨基酸注射液、含牛磺酸的氨基酸口服液及水解氨基酸样品的分析测定.
关键词:  Xterra RP18柱  高效液相色谱法  快速分离测定  氨基酸
Rapid Separation and Determination of Amino Acids by High-performance Liquid Chromatography on a Xterra RP18 Column
A method for rapid separation and determination of amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography on a Xterra RP18 column was established. The chromatogram conditions were: the column temperature of 56℃, the flow rate of 1.8 ml/min and the detecting wavelength of 248nm; gradient separation on the Waters Alliance TM system, the run time of 25 minutes and the counterpressure of chromatogram column under 2000 psi. 21 amide was separated within 17.5 minutes, and AMQ, NH 3 and taurine were included. The method could be used for the determination of amino acids in compound amino acid injection liquid, oral amino acid liquid including taurine and compound amino acid hydrolyzed sample.
Key words:  Xterra RP18 chromatogram column  high performance liquid chromatography  rapid separation and determination  amino acid