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1. 武汉大学生命科学学院,湖北武汉,430072;2. 武汉大学化学与环境科学学院,湖北武汉,430072
报导了一种新型单氮杂18-冠-6键合硅胶固定相(BCN 18-C-6)在小分子肽分析中的应用.研究了流动相pH值、Cu2+浓度、缓冲溶液浓度、甲醇体积比、氯化钠浓度等因素对容量因子(k)的影响,并分析了保留机理.在优化条件下,成功地分离了4种小分子肽.肽的色谱峰面积与进样量间有良好的线性关系(r均大于0.99),各肽的最小检出量(mmin)均可达到10-10~10-11mol.BCN 18-C-6柱对小分子肽的分离选择性优于ODS柱和硅胶柱.
关键词:  高效液相色谱  冠醚  键合硅胶固定相  小分子肽
HPLC Study of Small Peptides on the Silica-bonded Stationary Phase of Nitrogen-containing crown ether
This paper reported the chromatographic analysis of small peptides on a new stationary phase named nitrogen containing 18-crown-6 bonded silica (BCN 18-C-6). The effects of the pH value, the methanol content and the concentration of Cu(Ⅱ), acetate buffer solution and sodium chloride in mobile phase on k were studied in detail. The retention mechanism was also explored. In the optimum conditions, four small peptides were separated successfully. The chromatographic peak area of peptides was linear function of the inputed sample quantity (r>0.99) and the minimum detectable quantity (m min ) was 10 -10 ~10 -11 mol, which demonstrated that the chromatographic system made of BCN 18-C-6 stationary phase and Cu(Ⅱ)-HAc/NaAc mobile phase (pH=5.75) not only can be used to analyze small peptides quantitatively, but also is fit for the microanalysis, even the trace analysis of small peptides. Compared with conventional bonded phases such as YWG-ODS and YWG-SiO 2 under the same mobile phase conditions, BCN 18-C-6 has higher separation selectivity.
Key words:  HPLC  Crown ether  Silica-bonded stationary phase  Small peptides