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1.Microbiology;2.Microbiology;3.Microbiology Laboratory;4.Department of Botany;1.Microbiology;2.Microbiology;3.Microbiology Laboratory;4.Department of Botany
<正> Following the bioautographic te-chnique, 24 lysine producing microor-ganisms have been isolated from amongthe 263 hydrocarbon utilisers. Morphological, cultural and biochemicalcharacters of two promising isolates,have been studied. One of them iden-tified as Arthrobacter globiformis andthe other as Micrococcus varians, pro-duce 3.4 and 2.6 g lysine per litreof medium.
New Strains of Arthrobacter and Micrococcus Producing Lysine from Hydrocarbon
S. K. Sen,M. Chatterjee,S. P. Chatterjee Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Burdwan University, Burdwan-713104, W. B. INDIA
,S. P. Chatterjee Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Burdwan University, Burdwan-713104, W. B. INDIA
Following the bioautographic te-chnique, 24 lysine producing microor-ganisms have been isolated from among the 263 hydrocarbon utilisers. Mor phological, cultural and biochemical characters of two promising isolates, have been studied. One of them iden-tified as Arthrobacter globiformis and the other as Micrococcus varians, pro- duce 3.4 and 2.6 g lysine per litre of medium.
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